*Harami-chan Wiki [#f1d8fd96]
Harami-chan is Japanese pop pianist.
She aim to make familiar the piano for all.
She usually plays the street piano and delivers by Live Video sites or SNS.
harami_piano (or affectionately called "Harami-chan" by her fans) is a Japanese pop pianist.
Her goal is to make the piano more familiar and closer to everyone.
Her main playing field is street pianos. She delivers her piano performances on streaming apps and social media.

|>|~7/1 CD release [[Introduction>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtjCkWt3Ddo]] |
|>|~CD released on July 1st: [[English/Tracklist>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtjCkWt3Ddo]] (English video) |

-Fan Club ( [[Entry>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeQVN_iEaLo]] )
--Harami-chan speaks Japanese only.
-Harami-chan says she's not good at English
--Well, she tries to speak it, and she loves communicating with people from around the globe
--Some of the fans are also there to briefly translate her Japanese for her international fans

-How to use YouTube Auto Translation -> [[English/YouTube]]
-English Songs playlist -> 
-Fan Club ([[How to join>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeQVN_iEaLo]])
--Note that all the fan club features are provided in Japanese language only. You will need a certain level of the language to make full use of the benefits.

-How to turn on English subtitles on YouTube -> [[English/YouTube]]
-Playlist of English Songs -> 
[[YouTube link>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOuFm8-Mu4w&list=PLDlKJMnTpNs3uKZtWM2z6iljbLBwylypX]]

**Schedule [#c416d369]
-06/22(Mon.), 20:00JST-, 17 Live
-06/25(Thu.), 23:00JST-, Youtube
-06/29(Mon.), 20:00JST-, 17 Live 👈🏻 --17 Line one year anniversary
-&size(24){Official Website = https://harami-piano.com/};

-07/01(Wed.), CD & DVD release
**Contents of this Wiki [#n89c6cd1]
-[[English/Tips]] = Harami-chan Trivia (in English)
-[[Treasure]] = Treasures disclosed
-[[Gallery]] = Harami-chan Gallery created by fans (in Japanese, but self-explanatory, really)
-[[SetList]] = Setlists of all her live streamings

***How to search within Setlists [#befbe687]
-From the top menu bar, click [検索] (search)
-Type the name of the song or artist
-You'll see the list of live performances during which the songs were played, and the time stamps

**News [#ycee4d89]
***How to find the latest updates on the information on this Wiki [#qdef94df]
-From the top menu bar, click [最終更新] (last updates). You'll see the list of updated pages and the dates
-Move to the updated page, and click [差分] (difference) from the top menu bar, to find the updated sections

-05/29, Establish Harami-chan's Fan Club in YouTube.

-06/12, Featured in Yahoo Japan.
**Links [#t258f2d9]
***Links related to Harami-chan [#hcd108b7]
-Official website = https://harami-piano.com/

-06/18, Starting "Harami★Night"
--Every Thursday 23:00 JST-, Youtube
-[[Youtube main channel>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr4fZBNv69P-09f98l7CshA/]] = Piano performances including songs playing by ear, past performances

06/24, Japanese magazine TV LIFE which features  Harami-chan CD will be released. 
-[[YouTube sub channel>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDzNUObGnzyegwPYMDDJmjg/]] = Harami-chan's daily life (always eating something and we love it)

-06/29, 17 Live one year anniversary
-[[twitter>https://twitter.com/harami_piano]] = Announcements, Q&As

-Harami-chan's first CD & DVD will release at Jul.1. Booking links are follows.
--Title is "Harami set meal"
-[[instagram>https://www.instagram.com/harami_piano/?hl=ja]] = Harami-chan's daily life (so fashonable and we love it)

-[[17 Live>https://17.live/profile/r/4126934]] = Party, request medley, black out (sound only) & practice streamings

//|>|~収録曲 |
//|1. 前前前世 (RADWIMPS)   |7. ロマンスの神様 (広瀬香美) |
//|2. LOVE PHANTOM (B'z)    |8. 千本桜                    |
//|3. ロビンソン (スピッツ) |9. シングルベッド (シャ乱Q)  |
//|4. 天城越え (石川さゆり) |10. Piano Man (Billy Joel)   |
//|5. M (PRINCESS PRINCESS) |11. Forever Love (X Japan)   |
//|6. 366日 (HY)            |12. 紅 (X Japan)             |
//|>|~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtjCkWt3Ddo |
//CENTER:06/07, 竈門炭治郎のうた (椎名 豪 featring 中川 奈美)を追加収録
//--初回版は文字がキラキラしてます ← ハラミちゃんがんばりました
//-07/02, プリン落下一周年
**Contents of this Wiki [#q9406b34]
-[[English/Tips]] = Tips of Harami-chan
//-[[Treasure]] = 公開されたお宝を保管しています。
//-[[Gallery]] = お米さんのハラミちゃんギャラリーです。
//-[[SetList]] = 生配信したセットリストです。
-[[TikTok>https://www.tiktok.com/@haramipiano?language=ja&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAIudQDgReiWya_YA9Z5mQANXY-qRSo2nVyjejX5YI6JhGiPtlBcTvCw1B2GdLGIIv&u_code=da8fae81170jg8&timestamp=1585988914&user_id=6779881960501249026&utm_source=copy&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=android&share_app_name=tiktok&share_iid=6809981485136447233&source=h5_t]] = Harami-chan's daily life (so good at making wierd faces and we love it)

//***セットリスト横断検索 [#befbe687]

//***wikiの変更箇所を知る方法 [#qdef94df]
-[[Wikipedia>https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%8F%E3%83%A9%E3%83%9F%E3%81%A1%E3%82%83%E3%82%93]] = Wikipedia, as we all know
***Links related to street pianos [#ndee5034]
-Moved to [[StreetPiano]] page

//-[[Youtube main channel>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr4fZBNv69P-09f98l7CshA/]] = ピアノ演奏や耳コピライブ、演奏アーカイブ
**Important Notice [#paf7b903]
-Feel free to link this website. We're rather grateful if you can spread the website link.
-This website is operated by the fans of Harami-chan (called Okome-san, grains of rice)
-Harami-chan is not involved in this website at all
-This Wiki prioritizes speed, therefore may contain inaccurate contents
-This website may be closed down without notice
-If you have inquiries on this website, please tweet by adding the hashtag below (please copy and paste the exact phrase). We'll respond accordingly.
--Her fans periodically check the [[search results>https://twitter.com/search?q=%23%E3%83%8F%E3%83%A9%E3%83%9F%E3%81%A1%E3%82%83%E3%82%93wiki%E5%95%8F%E5%90%88&src=typed_query&f=live]]
--Alternatively please ask one of the fans

//-[[YouTube サブチャンネル>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDzNUObGnzyegwPYMDDJmjg/]] = ハラミちゃんの日常 (食べてばっかりで可愛い)
-The header picture is Harami-chan in Animal Crossing, created by 塩昆布さん

//-[[twitter>https://twitter.com/harami_piano]] = お知らせ、質問

//-[[instagram>https://www.instagram.com/harami_piano/?hl=ja]] = ハラミちゃんの日常 (おしゃれしてて可愛い)

//-[[17 Live>https://17.live/profile/r/4126934]] = お祭り、リクエストメドレー、暗闇(音のみ)練習配信

//-[[TikTok>https://www.tiktok.com/@haramipiano?language=ja&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAIudQDgReiWya_YA9Z5mQANXY-qRSo2nVyjejX5YI6JhGiPtlBcTvCw1B2GdLGIIv&u_code=da8fae81170jg8&timestamp=1585988914&user_id=6779881960501249026&utm_source=copy&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=android&share_app_name=tiktok&share_iid=6809981485136447233&source=h5_t]] = ハラミちゃんの日常 (変顔してて可愛い)

//-[[Wikipedia>https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%8F%E3%83%A9%E3%83%9F%E3%81%A1%E3%82%83%E3%82%93]] = 言わずと知れたウィキペディア

//**注意事項 [#paf7b903]
// #ハラミちゃんwiki問合
//--お米さん有志は [[この検索結果>https://twitter.com/search?q=%23%E3%83%8F%E3%83%A9%E3%83%9F%E3%81%A1%E3%82%83%E3%82%93wiki%E5%95%8F%E5%90%88&src=typed_query&f=live]] を巡回しています。

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